Friday, February 26, 2010


Uncle Sam was very good to me this year. Rare, I know, but it does happen. So I splurged a little (read: A LOT!) and bought myself this:

That's right, I caved and got a video game console. Something I pretty much swore I'd never do. But hey, it's totally the perfect toy for a 20-something, isn't it?? (*wink*)

I have been avoiding the gym for months and months now, not because I don't like working out, but because I really dread dragging myself to the gym. The process makes me a little crazy, and I don't feel good about it until I've been on the treadmill for a good 5 minutes. Which is a big deterrent since it takes about an hour to get to the gym where my trainer works. So why not bring the workout to me! And that's where the Wii Fit Plus comes in.

The Wii Fit Plus is a combination of crazy games designed to improve strength, balance, and humility. The last one not being listed on the packaging, of course, but nonetheless very true. Options for training include yoga, cycling, step aerobics, ski jumping, and an obstacle course. Not your cup of tea? Then how about snowball fighting? Or hula hooping? Or tightrope walking? How about rhythm kung fu? No?

Then I suggest flapping your arms like a chicken and hoping to land in a bullseye, all the while praying to god your neighbors can't see what you're doing through the windows, and that there's not a hidden camera in your apartment to broadcast your antics onto the interwebs for all to see! Yes, seriously, there is a chicken flapping game (check it out on YouTube). Only the Japanese could come up with something so asinine and yet so entertaining -- like these non-Wii gems (1, 2 and 3), also care of YouTube.

So that is how I'm spending my extra time and energy. As of yet I haven't mastered the art of being a chicken, but I have plenty of time to work on it. Meanwhile I've become quite a faux-ski jumper and snowball dodger. And my hula hooping skills are vastly improving with all the hip circles in pole dancing class.

Yes, this is what my life has become. Pole dancing, video games, and romping in the snow. Might need to change the title of the blog to "30 going on 13"... Weeeeeee!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Did you mention the marching band game? Because I seriously dig that one. And I'm good at it. I love me some Wii Fit Plus!
    rebecca m :) (not robert)
