So.... yeah, long time no post again. So much has been happening and I keep thinking I need to go back and blog it, and then I don't, and the avalanche of things to post gets bigger and bigger. Sorry.
What's new with me (in my favorite list format, of course):
1) work, work, work. I am getting much more comfortable in my nursing role and have found a happy working ground with my boss, a major feat if you've ever heard any of my work stories.
2) I'm applying to the Army Nurse Corps. Many of you probably already know that, but my application is really moving forward now. I have my military physical at West Point at 0800 tomorrow morning, which should be a trip. I'm still weighing the pros and cons of this decision, but thankfully I don't have to commit to anything for another several months. The super plus side: active duty military travels the world for pretty cheap. Anyone up for a round-the-world adventure?
3) Travel, lots of travel. So far in 2010 I have been to Seattle, Portland, Italy, upstate New York/New Jersey, and Arizona. This weekend I'm heading up to Vermont and possibly New Hampshire and Maine, which I'm really excited about! I've hit I think 29 out of 50 states so far, and by next week hopefully that total will be somewhere between 30 and 32. Plus, there's nothing like New England in fall, so it should be a gorgeous drive. I'm crossing my fingers for a Thanksgiving weekend trip to the Caribbean as well, but we'll see if time/money allow. And the year's not over yet!
4) I got a tattoo. I've been chewing on this idea for a year now, and finally decided it was worth it to have ink in my skin forever. The design is my own and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. There's a big long emotional story behind it all, but it's boring to everyone but me, so I'll settle with I have a pretty flower on my wrist. It's colored like Fruit Loops right now, awesome.
Life gets more interesting every day. I am keeping busy with all kinds of new adventures, hopefully I'll be better about getting a few of them up here every once in a while. Love you all!